International Conference

Toward Extinction, To Ward Off Extinction

7-9 November 2019



On the morning of Saturday, Nov. 9, we will have the pleasure to screen two movies by Sylvère Petit (with English subtitles) : Ani-Maux (2017, Les Films d'Ici Méditerranée) and Les Assoiffés (2014, C-P Productions).


The screening will be followed by a Q&A with filmmaker Sylvère Petit.





Trailer for "Ani-Maux":  


 Trailer for "Les Assoiffés": 


Sylvère Petit (film producer, photographer), France

« Les animaux ont insisté dans sa vie, et c’est cette insistance qui fabrique ses histoires. » Vinciane Despret, ethologist and philosopher

French producer Sylvère Petit, a tireless wanderer interested in all living things, has been convinced from a very young age that man is just another animal. He chose cinema and photography as modes of expression to shake up our self-centered, anthropocentric gaze. Staying clear from any form of proselytism or sentimentalism, his work is an invitation to reconsider the environment and our own existence among other living beings. Born in Nîmes in 1981, he has been producing feature films and television movies, as well as documentaries intended for screen or television viewing, since 2009. His first feature-length movie, which is currently in the pipeline and which is entitled Une baleine dans la tête (A Whale in the Head / Dreaming of a Whale), spurred into existence the correlated cultural initiative LES LABOS de la baleine. This cultural action was awarded the 2018 Prize for artistic and cultural audacity (Prix de l’Audace artistique et Culturelle 2018) by the Foundation for Culture and Diversity (Fondation Culture et Diversité).



  • Une baleine dans la tête · feature-length movie (in progress)
  • Ani-maux · 2017, Les Films d’ici Méditerranée – documentary, 52’
  • Biòu · 2014, Les Films d’ici Méditerranée – documentary 7’
  • Les Assoiffés · 2014, C-P Productions, Ten to Ten Films – fiction film, 23’
  • Entre miel & terre · 2012, Pages et Images – documentary, 52’
  • Les Ventileuses · 2010, Les Arts buissonniers – fiction film, 30’